31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Automation and Early Computation, Social Inequaltiy
Haldane did not foresee the computer, the most potent
agent of social change during the last fifty years. He
expected his Daedalus, destroyer of gods and of men,
to be a biologist. Instead, the Daedalus of this century
turned out to be John von Neumann, the mathematician
who consciously pushed mankind into the era of
computers. Von Neumann knew well what he was doing.
Soon after the end of the second world war, he
started the Princeton computer project. Like Haldane's
Daedalus, he had dreams ...Folksonomies: technology social inequality
Folksonomies: technology social inequality
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Von Neuman and Predicting the Weather
I remember a talk that Von Neumann gave at Princeton around 1950, describing the glorious future which he then saw for his computers. Most of the people that he hired for his computer project in the early days were meteorologists. Meteorology was the big thing on his horizon. He said, as soon as we have good computers, we shall be able to divide the phenomena of meteorology cleanly into two categories, the stable and the unstable. The unstable phenomena are those which are upset by small dist...Folksonomies: prediction chaos theory
Folksonomies: prediction chaos theory
21 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
The von Neumann Model for Computing Machines
At the highest level, the major hardware components of most boards can be classifi ed into fi ve major categories:
Central processing unit (CPU). The master processor.
Memory. Where the system’s software is stored.
Input device(s). Input slave processors and relative electrical components.
Output device(s). Output slave processors and relative electrical components.
Data pathway(s)/bus(es). Interconnects the other components, providing a “highway” for data to travel on from one compone...Based on his work explaining how electronic components could be use to perform boolean operations.